to the cosmos we go - yutotama - ZEROBASEONE (2024)

Chapter Text

“Recognized Lodestar Member, Mashu-Man. 2981.”

Groaning, Seok Matthew enters the headquarters of The Lodestars, his light blue compression shirt tearing at his waist and his sleek, black tights a little too drenched in sweat. The large “M” printed as the center-piece of his suit is peeling back, revealing a few scars and torn pieces of fabric. His “top-notch” supersuit is experimental at the very most, sewn together by the irritating college kid constantly at their door (he still has no idea how Gyuvin managed to sniff out their secret hideout, but they’d decided it was best to give in because it kind of terrified them). He picks at the stretchy material and watches as it effortlessly slides off his body.

It’s the third time that week he has to stop a bank robbery— a string of organized thievery had racked through the cramped walls of Roze City, f*cking over his workout schedule and ruining his nefarious non-superhero activities (skateboarding with Jiwoong).

And yeah, he’s pissed.

Despite being their holy leader, Jiwoong is terrible at organizing missions. His superheroism pitch had only come about after he watched the entire DCU franchise in a single week, demanding that Roze City needs their own personal fleet of professional morons. So of course he took his friends down with him, making sure to humiliate them in the process. It started with fighting against petty crimes: vandalism, shop-lifting, traffic offenses, disorderly conduct, etc. But once the town caught onto their agenda, Jiwoong realized that he had entered them into a situation they could not get out of.

Becoming real superheroes.

Suddenly, Matthew is responding to calls instead of the firemen, the police, the EMTs. He’s dashing across town on his purple-spray painted bike, wondering why he needs to stop a whole gaggle of idiots from robbing the nearest jewelry store. He’s a university student studying health science, for f*ck’s sake. Thank god Jiwoong is a rich kid— they would have never been able to purchase their building hideout disguised as a gym.

Shockingly, Jiwoong has managed to keep the heroes running for the past three years. Understanding the level of stupidity he’d reached, he put every member into intensive self-defense classes; jiu-jitsu, wrestling, taekwondo, muay thai, etc. He contacted as many rich, underground tech-y dudes he could find to stitch together personalized weapons and stylish bullet-proof outfits until the three of them were ready to show up and show out. And there’s Gyuvin, of course, who refused to go away until Jiwoong agreed to let him in as an aspiring intern (for three weeks straight, he nailed his “Mashu-Man” prototype suit into the door in an incredibly ominous way).

Needless to say, they let the kid in.

Currently, Matthew has no idea where his colleagues/classmates are. There’s Kim Jiwoong of course, commonly known as Woongverine, a terrible knockoff of the Wolverine himself. But instead of boasting sharp and deadly knives protruding from his knuckles, Jiwoong has a mouth full of sharpened vampire teeth.

Yes. Jiwoong with his nepotism privileges manufactured a way in which he could hypothetically sink his teeth into someone’s skin, rendering them useless (and quite frankly, in love). Granted, Matthew likes the knuckle-knives way more.

Then there’s Kim Taerae, another Walmart version of an iconic hero. Spiderae, as he calls it— Matthew wants to curse himself for being the only original one out of the three. A stylish, quick-witted, and incredibly clumsy spider-boy that opts for a non-full body suit because it's the most uncomfortable thing he’s ever worn. So he settles as a jumping spider-kinnie, arguing that they are the most family friendly (and at the most clever, at that). He’s crucial for scaling walls and removing individuals from sticky situations.

When their gig first started, Matthew was the only person to take it seriously. Sure, Jiwoong was half-kidding. But Matthew was dead serious. He vowed to be the protector of the group, the strong one that did his best to fight for justice and conquer battles with the sheer force of plot armor. So he named himself “Mashu-Man,” the spitting image of a buff, caring, and powerful soul.

Together, they are The Lodestars, a name coined only by instagram fanatics and chronically online twitter users. Jiwoong hates the name, but knows better than anyone he can’t argue with the internet— so they ran with it.

They are a happy, crime-fighting trio with a million flaws in their name, running around the city with terrible direction and no way of hiding their identities. Everything has been fine for two-ish years.

It was fine.

Until The Brigands.

It was bound to happen. A gaggle of equal idiots, only ones that claim to be the mortal sworn-enemies of The Lodestars, purposefully causing issues in the city to rile the three of them up. Matthew has no idea how their “fierce” leader projects his irritating little face onto the clouds at midnight, cackling empty threats of world domination and controlled chaos (another nepo baby, probably).

Dr. Hao, a righteous blockhead who’s only observational villain power is intimidation that doesn’t work. His Henchman , Bin-Man , a blind follower whose powers consist of being Dr. Hao’s personal bodyguard and disciple. And The Rizzler, some random guy Matthew definitely goes to college with. Nobody knows why he’s there or why he agreed to be a villain of any kind, as his face seems to be plastered all over TikTok.

They never offer any real threats of course. Despite this, they keep Roze City on their toes, posting horrible edits of themselves on the verified instagram account and pretending to take responsibility for random misdemeanors that The Lodestars always end up fighting off. Dr.Hao’s power can be attributed to something along the lines of yapanese, as he can never shut up about all the evil things he probably can never bring himself to do.

There are a million things that Matthew wants to do at the end of every superhero run. Work out downstairs, shower, eat a hearty meal, play video games with the boys, consume horrendously sad dramas, etc. He wants to tear off Gyuvin’s sewed mess and tack it up against the wall, mocking the nineteen-year old in the same way he had mocked them.

He doesn’t do any of this. Instead, Matthew wanders into The Lodestar's shared break room, expecting to see anything other than Jiwoong and Taerae huddled around a blinding computer screen.

Their eyes are wide at the sight before them, the screen glinting off their faces as Matthew struggles to understand what’s going on. There are some giggles and mentions of incredulous comments.

“No way…” Taerae’s voice is especially amusing. Matthew feels his stomach drop as he runs through every possibility festering in his mind.

Suddenly there’s a deep laughter bellowing from Jiwoong, and it immediately erases any trace of worry.

“Matthew. You’ll never believe what we just found.”

Furrowing his brows, the fellow hero hovers over his two snickering friends and slaps a hand over his mouth, lips curving upward as he drinks in the content.

“No way.”

Archive of Our Own

Hxnbin_Hotel recent works:

i’m free (where you are is where i’ll be)

Rating: Teen and Up Audiences

Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply

Category: M/M

Fandom: The Lodestars (RPF), The Brigands (RPF)

Relationships: Dr. Hao/Bin-Man, Woongverine/Mashu-Man

Characters: Spiderae, Mashu-Man, Woongverine, Dr. Hao, The Rizzler, Bin-Man

Additional Tags: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Adventure, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Friends, Light Angst

Stats: Published 2024-02-03 Words: 15,051 Chapters 5/? Kudos: 70 Bookmarks: 10 Hits: 431

Summary: After fighting alongside each other as mighty villains for two years, Dr. Hao and Bin-Man try their hand at being heroes.

However, romance was not supposed to be in the picture.

“Lodestars, heed my warning!”

The voice is terribly loud and amusing. There’s a horrendously bright light shining upon the clouds above Roze City, a threatening DR. H written across the skies. There’s a small next to his name, alongside a meager “and bin-man.”

It's a scene right out of a Marvel comicDr. Hao is standing upon the roof of a building, his right hand thrusted towards the skies. Hanbin is at his side, watching in fear as his supervillain counterpart teeters precariously off the edge.


Silence, Bin-Man. You must address me as Dr. Hao,” The villain spits back, eyes never leaving the piercing light in front of him. He’s wearing a sickening shade of pink and red, his makeshift mask barely fitting around his eyes. In contrast, Hanbin is wearing a sleek-black, and sparkly outfit complete with a more fitted mask, sewn by his own hands.

“Jesus christ,” Hanbin mutters under his breath, rushing over to where Hao is still shouting at the building across from him.

“Hao! I mean — f*ck, Dr. f*cking Hao, will you get down please? We have a presentation due tomorrow.”


Hanbin squeezes his eyes shut and takes a deep breath, holding out his hands in case his counterpart falls right into them. It’s a Monday evening, and it's the fourth night in a row that Hao has screamed at a gym in which he thinks the Lodestars hide out at. Truly speaking, Hanbin wants to yank his friend off the rooftop and shove him back into his car, taking him home once and for all.

But instead he lets him scream at the top of his lungs, waking the neighbors who have given up on calling the cops. No matter how many times Hao threatens Roze City domination, it simply never happens.

“Hao, please! You’re going to fall!”

“Hanbin — I swear to god,” Hao hisses, whipping around to shut his henchman up, slapping a hand over his mouth. Hanbin sends him a glare and gently removes Hao’s hand from his mouth.

“My grace, my liege, do you feel like failing music theory for a third time?”

Hao dramatically gasps, and Hanbin can’t quite tell if he’s still in character.

“How dare you! Who’s side are you on?!”

“Dr. Hao. It is 11 pm. Please, get down. We can signal The Lodestars tomorrow, I promise. But you really need to get your assignment in before midnight,” Hanbin pleads, grasping onto Hao’s hand in an effort to pull him back down to safety.

And it works to his relief. Hao whispers a hmph and gingerly takes Hanbin’s hand, jumping back down to the safety of the rooftop, red cape flowing behind him and leaving a trail of shimmery sparkles.

Truly, Hanbin hates seeing him pout. It kills him to watch Hao parade around the town failing to wreak any kind of significant havoc, opting to run away when trouble actually presents itself. Even the people he hires to create crime don’t work they take the money and run, too scared to face The Lodestars in all their glory. He feels for him, he really does; Hao is a rich kid with too much time on his hands, and too few friends to count on.

Hao trudges in frustration down the steps of the finance building they’ve been screeching atop of for forty-five minutes, refusing to say a word as Hanbin scrambles after him, making sure he doesn’t tumble down the huge flight of stairs. Hao swats his hand away at every given chance, mumbling something about throwing off his groove.

The silent car ride back to Hao’s two-story house is the worst part. No matter how many uplifting girl-group songs Hanbin plays, it doesn’t seem to put the Chinese boy in the right spirit. Hanbin cannot believe that even after four days, Hao never seems to let up.

“You’re sleeping in the guest room tonight,” Hao grumbles when they get to their shared dwelling, yanking off his mask and messing up his perfectly-gelled hair. Hanbin stares at it a little too long, fighting every urge to smooth it back down into place.

“Hao. I always sleep in the guest room.”

“Well. Sleep in the other one,” he pouts, and Hanbin wants to poke his tinted cheeks.

But instead, he slips off his own mask, rubbing his tired eyes and kicking off the ridiculous sleek-black boots Hao forces him to wear each outing. It's 11:30 pm, and he’s about to force Hao in front of a computer.

“You have thirty minutes to get your assignment in.”

“I think it is truly a mishap that us villains must complete wretched processes, such as schooling.”

“Your parents are paying, get to work.”

“You leave me no choice. Sleep in the third guest bedroom, Bin-Man.”

“Hao. I do not want to see you sobbing on a Wednesday night again. And God we’re at home! Just call me Bin!”

“You do not get to decide on my name, you horrid henchman!”

“God, please stop talking like that. You’ve been in character for way too long and I need a break.”

Despite the endless scowling, Hao begrudgingly makes his way to his room, yanking off the rest of his villain-suit in the process, revealing a stained white tank-top and a gold necklace dangling from his neck. With a sigh, Hanbin heads to the kitchen to make dinner. He sets a timer on his phone and double checks (with exasperation) that Hao is sitting at his computer, diligently working on his music theory essay.

He’s delighted to see him sitting exactly where he needs to be, eyes reflecting the brightness of the screen in the dark room. Hanbin flips the light switch, and Hao shoots him a quick glare. Instead of engaging, Hanbin heads back to what he was doing before and proceeds to rummage through the massive fridge sitting in Hao’s expensive kitchen.

Thirty minutes later, his alarm goes off. He’s half-way through setting a bowl of udon on the table when he makes his way over to Hao’s room. He finds the lights off once againand a sleeping, peaceful Hao, resting his cheek on the keyboard. Hanbin takes one look at the screen and breathes a sigh of relief once he realizes the assignment was turned in five minutes before it was due.

With careful movements, the henchman gently pulls Hao’s face away from the desk, a temporary mosaic of keys pressed into his cheeks. Hanbin giggles and squishes the lines, admiring how serene he looks when he’s not glowering at every human he encounters. Hao groans, repositioning his head in Hanbin’s hands.

It's routine, at this point.

Hanbin takes Hao home at sundown nearly every night, dragging him away from trying to cause trouble within the city and tempting him with some sort of incentive. Half the time it's watching queer dramas, getting ice cream, or taking dance classes. Hanbin finds it amusing how easy it is to distract the so-called supervillain, and how easy it is to suddenly make him smile.

And after they eat together, they sit side by side, sometimes in silence and sometimes while working on projects together. It takes a few hours for Hao to shake out of characterbut when he does, he’s quite different. Sometimes he'll fall asleep on Hanbin’s shoulder after watching a movie, and they’ll stay like that until Hanbin gathers the courage to carry him to bed.

But other times he feels like a butler rather than a henchman, making Hao food, reminding him of tasks, running him a bath, wiping away his makeup. But it doesn’t bother himhe lives rent free in the looming dwelling, a phenomenal deal for a lower-class university student. Besides, Hao is nothing but a chaotic presence to live around, and Hanbin can’t help but be truly enamored with his aura.

He doesn’t want to move Hao’s head. He’s beginning to snore, nuzzling into Hanbin’s fingers and leaning closer and closer to his body. With a deep sigh, Hanbin kneels down at eye-level and gently blows on his face.

“Hao? Dinner is ready. I made udon.”

There’s a stir, but not much else. Hanbin blows a little harder, watching in adoration as Hao wrinkles his nose.

“Dr. Hao?”

The Chinese boy’s eyes snap wide open, making Hanbin roll his eyes. “Dinner is ready, by the way. Your supervillainous fine-dining of Japanese udon.”

And the scowling returns in full-swing, causing Hanbin to stifle a giggle. He pulls his head away from Hanbin’s hands and says nothing about it, immediately getting up to head to the kitchen. And though Hanbin tends to do most of the cooking, Hao periodically wakes his henchman up with a warm bowl of soup after a long day.

It seems as though Dr. Hao has finally broken character, saying nothing until he reaches the table already set up with a beautiful array of side dishes. He whips around, stopping Hanbin in his tracks and nearly bumping into his chest. He smiles, and it’s enough to strike a hero with fervor.

“Bin, this looks delicious,” he grins, clasping his hands together and immediately sitting down, eyes twinkling at the meal before him.

Hanbin sucks in a sigh of relief as he watches his ridiculous villain pick up a set of chopsticks, beaming ear to ear. It's comical, truly, that Hao usually snaps out of his acting once he’s had a proper nap. After all, a simple university student can’t hide behind a mask forever. Though it perpetually gives Hanbin a terrible amount of whiplash, he can’t help but find it wildly entertaining.

“I smell lots of ginger! Wah, Binnie!”

“So I can call you Hao now, right?”

Hao rolls his eyes, shoving a piece of pickled daikon into his mouth. “Don’t be silly.”

“You always say that. And then the next day you scream at me for not properly addressing you.”

Hao twirls a stray bang, resting his head on his hands. “You know how hard it is to lead a double life, Binnie!”

Actually, Hao doesn’t lead a double life. Any Roze City-passerby would be a moron to not see through the incredibly obvious supervillain costume, one so poorly made that twitter stans often smooth it over in Photoshop. Hanbin is nearly ninety-percent sure that the entire class knows who they are, but dares not say a word in fear of being pulverized by Hao’s intimidating amount of wealth.

But really, he’s not that scary.

He can’t be that scary he’s shoveling mouthfuls of udon down and staring at Hanbin like he’s the only thing in the room. The henchman is lost in his thoughts, too distracted by Hao’s sighs of content as he devours his meal.

“Are you not eating?” He asks, eyes wide in concern. It makes Hanbin want to melt into the floor.

“AhI’ll join you now,” he whispers in embarrassment, pink dusting over his cheeks as he pulls up a chair. Hao waits for Hanbin to pick up his chopsticks, only continuing with his food when Hanbin gingerly begins eating.

“Do we have a plan for tomorrow?” Hao says, finishing his first bowl of udon. Hanbin’s face falls instantaneously.

“Oh god, we’re already back into this? Hao we have a presentation tomorrow! Can we shelve the villainous conduct for Wednesday?”

“The Lodestars haven’t responded!”

“Hao, I’m telling you, just dm Mashu-Man on TikTok!”

“What if it's not him!”

“My dearest Dr. Hao, are you an idiot?”

“Hanbin, you will be confined to the fourth guest bedroom if you continue with this attitude!”

“There is no fourth bedroom!”

Hao shuts up for one second, glaring at his henchman as he realizes there is nothing to add to their ridiculous argument. He glances at his empty bowl of ramenall except a single hard-boiled egg. He pokes around at it for a bit, ultimately looking at Hanbin with the most charming eyes he’s ever seen.

“Do you want my egg, by the way?” His voice is octaves lower than what it was a few seconds beforehand, adding another layer of whiplash to Hanbin’s heart.

Sighing, Hanbin plucks it out of Hao’s bowl and eats it, rolling his eyes.

“Sorry. You can sleep in the third room,” Hao whispers in a soft tone.


“Third!” And Hao’s voice is back to three octaves higher.

“For the love of christ , why don’t you just build a basem*nt for me!” Hanbin exclaims, though he’s only joking. Their silly banter is quite customary in the Zhang household, often going from light-hearted arguments straight to normal conversations. The whiplash, once again, makes Hanbin regret ever taking the “ looking for villainous henchman” advertisem*nt plastered all over campus.

Once Hanbin finishes his food, he immediately gets up to clean the dishes. But before he can leave the table, he feels the gentle grab of Hao latching onto his shirt sleeve.

Wait— I’ll do them,” he mumbles in an incredibly velvety voice, one that erases every single bit of screaming he did hours earlier. It makes Hanbin’s breath catch in his throat, makes him squeeze his eyes shut in an effort to settle the butterflies rising in his stomach.

“I’ll do them tomorrow then,” Hanbin responds in an equally subtle tone, doing his best to remain calm and collected. He watches Hao smile from his peripheral, using Hanbin’s sleeve to lift himself from the chair. For a second, he rests his chin in the crook of Hanbin’s neck, tilting his head with a grin.

“Thank you!” And he skips over the kitchen sink, leaving Hanbin in a state of pure peril.

Despite being someone of privilege, Hao leaves the kitchen absolutely spotless. In fact, he never seems to allow Hanbin to do more than half the chores, always surprising him with clean tables and freshly vacuumed carpets. Though he’s childish, Hao is appreciative and strangely observationalmore than Hanbin expects.

There’s a small window of time in which silence washes over the household. Hao is watching a Thai series, and Hanbin sits feet away from him on the couch, deep into a six-hundred paged novel. It's quiet and calming, away from the chaos Hao causes on a daily basis. Hanbin likes this side of Hao, too, admiring the way his nose crinkles and his eyebrows furrow and his lips jut out. He enjoys tracing the figure of Hao in all kinds of his fantasies, wishing that one day, he can use his hands instead.

Their nights usually end like this, and Hanbin thinks it's worth all the trouble of being faux-villains.

Hanbin is ready to doze off, head falling against the cushions of the couch as he struggles to hold his book in place. His glasses are falling, too, and the droning of the tv is not helping his case. He swiftly closes the book and tosses it at the foot of the couch, morphing into a comfortable ball and


His eyes shoot open in terror as he immediately jolts back up, furiously scooting over to Hao’s body. “What?! Are you hurt anywhere, are you okay?!” He shouts, gingerly hovering his hands over Hao’s waists, longing to check for injuries. He’s panicking, and he looks insane.

“No! I’m not! Look at this!” Hao shoves his phone into Hanbin’s face, movements charged with pure horror.

And when Hanbin sees what the problem is, it takes every bit of his pride not to laugh in Hao’s face. He slaps a hand over his mouth and does his best to keep quiet, reading over the unprofessional email splayed on the screen.

From: [emailprotected]

To: [emailprotected]

Good evening, moron.

leave us alone, lol.

– Spiderae

“Oh my god! Hanbin! We must act immediately, we must mobilize our forces! We cannot allow this threat to be taken with a grain of salt!”


“I have lived long enough on this earth being insulted by these absolute heathens putting shame to my righteous name! There is nothing they can do to deter our spirit!”

“Zhang Hao.”

“By the grace of the gods, how dare they look down on us like this, I


Hao stops monologuing within seconds, looking up at Hanbin with blank eyes. “Yes?”

“You cannot be serious.”

“It's a threat, Bin-Man! A threat on my life!”

“It's an email. An email.

“Like I was saying, a threat on my life!”

Within seconds, Hanbin snatches the phone out of Hao’s hands, ultimately releasing a boisterous laugh. The villain furiously pouts and tries with fervor to yank the phone backbut it's no use, Hanbin is in the middle of tapping his fingers against the keyboard.

“Hanbin! We must be calculated with our response! What if they’re ready to attack by morning?”

“Here” Hanbin shoves the phone back into Hao’s overbearing little hands.

From: [emailprotected]

To: [emailprotected]



down for a fight, or like, what?

Ill bring the terror, i guess

sorry for the lights again. im like 80% sure that isn’t your hideout, by the way. hao won’t listen to me tho

happy monday!

or maybe i should write this in business casual next time?

Cheers, team!

- Bin-Man

Hao’s eyes go unbelievably wide as Hanbin throws his head back in laughter, facing the onslaught of Hao’s weak fist-pummels. He’s cackling on the couch, the concept of sleep being tossed away and replaced with something sillier, something a little more amusing.

“Hanbin! How dare you respond like that! It could blow our cover! And how do you know that’s not the right gym, huh? How could you possibly know?!” Hao shouts, although Hanbin can tell he’s playing up the character again.

“What cover?” Hanbin giggles again, grasping Hao’s hands that are flailing in the air. “And I know it's not their hideout! It's a gym for senior citizens, Hao!”

Dr. Hao goes completely non-verbal, eyes blinking in a purely blank expression. He’s pouting again, and Hanbin wants to innocently kiss his lips back into place. But instead, he takes the phone out of Hao’s hands and places it on the table.

“It will be fine, I totally promise.”

“We will lose at the hands of Spiderae…and Woongverine. I cannot believe this, Hanbin.”

Truly, hearing their name out loud makes Hanbin want to burst into another fit of laughter, but his stomach aches too much to do so. “We won’t lose to their hands, Hao,” Hanbin lies before stifling more giggles.

He glances at Hao’s phone and wonders if it will ping again, pondering if The Lodestars are even up at this hour. Part of him is proud of the stupid response, but the other half of him feels a tad bit guilty for riling Hao back up, even if he’s just in character.

Sometimes, Hanbin can’t quite tell when his villain counterpart is being serious.

Nevertheless, the phone stays silent for the rest of the night, and Hanbin is once again exiled to the third guest bedroom. But he doesn’t mind it, as it's the room with the pleasant night-light diffuser and a large, personal bathroom.

It's always been easy to fall asleep under the comfortable roof of the Zhang household. That is, however, until Hanbin is rudely distracted from slumber for the second time that night. Groaning in pure agony, Hanbin slaps a hand over his pinging phone and opens it up, the light stinging his eyes.

In a quick second, he bolts up in horror, eyes trailing over the most threatening sentence he’s truly ever read.

From: [emailprotected]

Attached Screenshot:

Hxnbin_Hotel recent works:

i’m free (where you are is where i’ll be)

Rating: Teen and Up Audiences

Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply

Category: M/M

Fandom: The Lodestars (RPF), The Brigands (RPF)

Relationships: Dr. Hao/Bin-Man, Woongverine/Mashu-Man

Characters: Spiderae, Mashu-Man, Woongverine, Dr. Hao, The Rizzler, Bin-Man

Additional Tags: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Adventure, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Friends, Light Angst

Stats: Published 2024-02-03 Words: 15,051 Chapters 5/? Kudos: 70 Bookmarks: 10 Hits: 431

Summary: After fighting alongside each other as mighty villains for two years, Dr. Hao and Bin-Man try their hand at being heroes.

However, romance was not supposed to be in the picture.

heyyyy king.

this look familiar to you?


actually, my bad

Cheers, Brigands! Have a lovely week!

- Spiderae

“Do you think he’ll bite?” Jiwoong asks as his gaggle of superheroes crowd around a blinding computer screen. They’re stuffing their faces with popcorn, laughing with vigor and scrolling through Bin-Man’s extensive AO3 works. It's fascinating, truly— and Matthew can’t help but feel just a little bit guilty.

“Oh my god, ” Taerae slaps an incredulous hand over his mouth, pointing at the screen with pure energy. “Guys, holy sh*t, he wrote a f*cking Hannibal fic?!”

forever lost in forsaken missives (and satan’s pull)

Rating: Mature

Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings

Category: M/M

Fandom: Hannibal (TV)

Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lector

Characters: Jack Crawford, Alana Bloom, Jimmy Price

Additional Tags: Dark Romance, Emotional Manipulation, Angst, Murder Husbands, Happy Ending, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, No Smut, Implied Sexual Content, Violence

Stats: Published 2015-07-23 Words: 80,001 Chapters 20/20 Kudos: 793 Bookmarks: 201 Hits: 10,031

Summary: It starts off with two betas, ends with two much more murderous ones.


Dr. Lecter hates alphas and omegas. Will Graham is neither.

“Oh my god, he wrote an omegaversein 2015?!” Matthew exclaims, leaning into the screen in pure horror.

“Jesus christ, wasn’t he like— I don’t know, f*cking 15?” Taerae responds.

“You have no idea what these kids do on the internet, believe me,” Jiwoong mumbles under his breath, continuing to scroll through the pages and pages of Hanbin’s works.

“Okay— how do you know for sure that it's him, though?” Matthew asks, still holding out some kind of hope that his super-evil enemy isn’t writing fanfiction about him and his friends. Taerae gives him a devilish smile in return.

“You know, that Gyuvin kid is pretty damn smart.”

“The kid?!”

“You’re telling me that Gyuvin found this?” Matthew is incredulous.

“He hacked his search history— or whatever the f*ck that means. It was like, a lot of F1 content and…what on earth is I Told Sunset About You?”

“Oh god,” Taerae mutters under his breath.

“Please, click on a different one!”

put your money where your mouth is (i’ll show you what i got)

Rating: Teen and Up Audiences

Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings

Category: M/M

Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender

Relationships: Keith/Klance (Voltron)

Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron)

Additional Tags: Alternate Universe – Modern Setting, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Soulmates, Meet-Ugly, One-Sided Enemies to Lovers

Stats: Published 2016-09-09 Words: 20k Chapters 1/1 Kudos: 205 Bookmarks: 45 Hits: 790

Summary: There’s a saying in his society that warns Klance of never trusting the soulmate mark on his arm.


Klance runs into the most spellbinding man of his life— and thinks he might hate him.

“I can’t lie, he’s kind of eating with the titles,” Taerae giggles, trailing his eyes over each fanfiction.

“What the f*ck are these titles, anyway?” Jiwoong asks, furrowing his brows at each one.

“They’re like— definitely song lyrics. You wouldn’t get it,” Taerae laughs , though Matthew is mildly concerned as to why he knows this.

“Jesus christ, does this man live on the internet?” Matthew says, watching Jiwoong scroll on and on through each page of written fanfiction. There’s a myriad of different fandoms displayed on his page, and none of them can seem to keep up with the expanded list.

His profile, however, is quite fun to gawk at.


My Pseuds: binbin_7, hatsukoihan

I joined on: 2014-01-13

My user ID is: 232351

I live in: America


bin (he/him)

a poet, of sorts. Find me on twt: hxnbin_hotel

“Oh jesus f*cking christ, he has a fic twitter!” Taerae cackles. “This is way too good to be true.”

“Back up— bro does not live in America.”

“I mean, considering everyone in Roze City knows exactly who he is, I don’t think he’s that great at keeping a cover, Taerae,” Matthew shakes his head.

“Guys— do I click on the twitter page?” Jiwoong asks, dragging the mouse up and down the screen.

“You know what, that’s probably enough of Bin-Man today. I’m going to need to recover before seeing more,” Jiwoong mutters with a laugh.

“Should we like— I don’t know, book-bind his rpf of us and send it to his doorstep?”

“Taerae, you are evil for that,” Matthew narrows his eyes.

No — don’t do that,” Jiwoong immediately juts in, his voice reflecting a certain degree of concern. “We can use this against him, can’t we? I mean— Taerae already sent the email…he’s gotta be sh*tting himself.”

“We’re not actually using this against him, are we?” Matthew looks around the room, his eyes landing on Jiwoong in a way that says please god, spare the kid the humiliation.

“Well. I mean—”

“We could totally keep it a secret from Hao, couldn’t we?” Taerae says, an evil grin spreading across his face. “Like, maybe we torture Hanbin with this information…in exchange for intel on Dr. Hao, wouldn’t that be fun?”

“Intel of what? That man tells us loud and proud what his plans are,” Jiwoong cackles, rolling his eyes.

“Maybe we play it up? Hanbin seems like a normal guy— ironically . Hao is the idiot, right?” Taerae chimes in.

“Think about it: we don’t receive any real threats apart from very irritating messages late at night, right? And I mean, he does send the occasional hit-man that ends up being a scammer. He spends his money on ridiculous illustrations in the sky while we actually fight crime. A part of me thinks that this man just wants to be a villain…for the fun of it,” Matthew says.

“I mean, based on the email he sent back, I truly don’t think Hanbin is on the same level as Hao. That’s like— there cannot be two morons. I refuse to believe they’re both like that.”

“Even if Hanbin isn’t insane, did everyone forget the summary of the hero fic? That man does not want to be a villain!” Matthew exclaims.

This causes everyone to go quiet for a few moments, reassessing the situation and trying desperately to figure out what kind of person Sung Hanbin is. In an instant, all three men are talking over one another again, the room heightening with deafening chatter.

“Okay!” Jiwoong snaps his fingers, calling their attention. “Here’s what we do.”

The group of boys huddle around the computer, eyes trained on their holy Woongverine.

“First and foremost— we keep this a secret from Hao. Second of all, we establish consistent contact with Hanbin. We befriend him. We threaten to tell Hao that his henchman is probably in love with him— and the fact that he writes fanfiction of us all being heroes.”

The boys nod, leaning closer and closer to Jiwoong at every word.

“Get on his good side, force him to tell us what the f*ck Hao’s deal is. We make him tell us when Dr. Hao will ‘strike’ next, and slightly play it up. We get under his skin, in his head…we figure out why he’s writing fanfiction about being a good guy, and why he chooses to run along with the biggest cretin in town.”

“Good lord…Jiwoong, can we actually befriend the poor man? I can’t imagine how humiliating this is for him.”

“Omg, stop being so nice!” Taerae jabs a finger into Matthew’s ribs.

“Remember that you’re a hero , asshole,” Matthew hisses, swatting Taerae’s hand away.

“So…we make friends with the man, force him to tell us Hao’s secrets…then…what?” Matthew continues speaking, concern hanging in his voice.

“You know what, I haven't quite worked out the kinks yet, but I’ll get back to you on that one.”

“Is there a true point to this? Besides humiliating the man?”

“He is our enemy, Matthew!”

“He’s a college student!’

“An evil college student! Taerae throws his hands in exasperation.

And although Matthew does his best to save face for Sung Hanbin, there’s no fighting against the words of the fierce Woongverine. So he pipes down, watching as his friends continue scrolling through Hanbin’s vulnerable AO3 account, making their way through each and every bookmark.

It takes them thirty more minutes of giggling and guffawing before Taerae snaps his fingers in front of Matthew’s face, calling him back to his attention. He rubs his eyes and yawns, already dreading what Taerae is about to show him.

“Looky here— he bit back.”

From: [emailprotected]

To: [emailprotected]

for the love of christ.

i will do ANYTYHING you want me too


- im going to kill myself

to the cosmos we go - yutotama - ZEROBASEONE (2024)


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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.